
Drawing on the group show Nice Drawing (2015), Gallery Isabelle van den Eynde presents Good Printing, a second iteration of a series of exhibitions that don't need to emerge from a clever title or overarching concept, but rather presents works by 10 artists that have a quirky and humorous approach to a single medium.


Beware viewer! Don't expect to find the walls of the gallery covered with works on paper, framed photographs, lithography, publications, and against the promises of the title of the exhibition, there won't be perfect impressions! The artists explore the process of printmaking and the potentials of the technology of the mechanical image creations and reproduction that 'enables the original to meet the beholder halfway. […] And in permitting the reproduction to meet the beholder or listener in his own particular situation, it reactivates the object reproduced.' (Walter Benjamin) 


Good Printing addresses issues of printmaking in regards to authenticity, reproducibility, and the mechanisation of art making. Nonetheless, the artists don't engage in a nostalgic quest for the return to the original in order to restore the aura of the work of art. Rather, they celebrate the potentiality of the defects and inaccuracies that (can) occur in the process of copying originals or reproductions, which eventually redefines the essence of the originality of their work.

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