Hesam Rahmanian's new explorations in collage revitalize leftover scraps of dried acrylic from his palettes and paint pots. His diptychs and triptychs similarly vivify the improbable by uniting disembodied or headless animals with miscellaneous objects. The resulting hybrids, such as pliers chirping from a crow's body, appear animate despite being incomplete suggestions formed of peculiar contradictions.
Rahmanian's latest works show a tranquil, spontaneous and visually reductive creative course, wherein animals, objects, and humans emerge intuitively from unexpected, often grim, realities to dwell in an enigmatic world.
Hesam Rahmanian, Watching the Fading Fog, 2012
Hesam Rahmanian, Chameleon Hunting, 2012
Hesam Rahmanian, Sea Monster, 2012
Hesam Rahmanian, Woman Sleeping, 2012
Hesam Rahmanian, A Night at the Opera, 2012
Hesam Rahmanian, A Crow, 2012
Hesam Rahmanian, A Bird Singing for a Horse, 2012
Hesam Rahmanian, A Bird on the Seashore 1, 2012
Hesam Rahmanian, A Duck, 2012
Hesam Rahmanian, A Cow, 2012
Hesam Rahmanian, A Dog? A Bear?, 2012
Hesam Rahmanian, Mother, 2012