Kajetan Gallery, Berlin

About Architecture

Curated by Valerie Traan Gallery

Until 2 April 2022


Haleh Redjaian is part of the group exhibition About Architecture. Gallery valerie_traan's presentation about architecture at kajetan articulates the shared story of 4 important artists represented by the Antwerp gallery: Paul Gees, Filip Dujardin, Frederic Geurts and Geert Vanoorlé.


Haleh Redjaian, collaborates with both kajetan gallery and valerie_traan gallery, will also participate in this Berlin exhibition at kajetan as well as in the upcoming show kajetan at valerie_traan in Antwerp in autumn 2022.


All the artists involved in the Berlin exhibition work with and on architecture or use architectural elements as building blocks for their artistic practice. Their individual works playfully deal with the constructions and de-constructions of spaces and objects, stimulating new reflections on these matters.


For more information

18 February 2022
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